Trump storms out of meeting with Pelosi, Schumer

Trump storms out of meeting with Pelosi, Schumer

President Trump said in an impromptu Rose Garden press conference that he will not work with the Democratic leaders until they stop their “phony investigations” of him.

#ABCNews #Trump #politics


48 thoughts on “Trump storms out of meeting with Pelosi, Schumer

  1. The break down of trust here is unreal, Trump supporters are not even entertaining the possibility that he walked out of the meeting and at this point the other side are just seeing it as Trump being Trump. Where do you go from here?

  2. Here's what I get ~ Trump BS's – but WE know it's BS and HE knows it's BS ~ Pelosi / Schumer BS and THEY think they are fooling the People ! ps- I wonder if media will 'ever' catch on that they are actually contributing to Trumps base by continually propagating their false narrative. We can see it a mile away !|! Nobody likes to think they are being manipulated. no one !

  3. Get the story straight ABC. This is why Trump calls you fake news. I find it interesting that a “hastily arranged event in the rose garden” was so awesome. I thought it was great and a lot more informative than your commentary. Hell I could stand 3 minutes in the same room with those pieces a sh!t either. Trump at least showed up. He knew they weren’t there to actually get something done and it took less than three minutes to confirm. This game is getting old and Trump dunks the idiots with ease. Somehow makes my day to watch him doing it. Imagine what he will do fully prepared in 2020. Take a good look at what he’s done for us so far. Imagine what he could have done by now with a little cooperation.

  4. Pelosi is a PIG and a drunk. Schumer is a jerk. What else can I say? ABC as usual loves making President Trump look bad. Why don't you pick on them ^^^? Oh, wait…probably because you're all Democrats.

  5. I will never watch ABC again …. skroo you lying ass propagandists ….. Do you even realize how sick we are of your pathetic biased attacks on President Trump ……. TWO YEARS of constant attacks of him and his family ….. You are a pit of vipers and disgusting

  6. Pelosi is an evil witch and ABC portrays her as a saint , she's a wino and probably a valium addict ….. Trump is right and they are wrong , yet all you do is attack Trump ….. ABC you are sick and pathetic propagandists , you are NOT journalists in any sense of the word

  7. THIS IS EXACTLY WHY WE SAY "FAKE NEWS" …. Kelly Conway , Sarah Sanders , and 10 other people WITNESSED THE MEETING and clearly said in a press conference TRUMP BEHAVED PROPERLY AND DID NOT STORM OUT ….. It is plain and simple , Trump AND WE are SICK OF THIS BIASED BULLSHIT of constantly attacking Trump …… LEAVE MY PRESIDENT ALONE …… I am sick of you leftist biased anti-Trump Hillary loving entrenched hyenas CONSTANTLY trashing Trump and his family ….. That wino Pelosi has been rude , disrespectful , and an evil bitch to our President , and YOU PORTRAY HER AS A SAINT ….. ABC has sunk to a new low with this biased crap reporting ……. YOU are enemies of the people , you truly are ….. YOU ARE NOT JOURNALISTS

  8. Reading these comments let's me know without doubt that we don't need unity in this country ! Half of the country is so brain washed and uninformed when it comes to the truth and the other half need to realize that it doesn't matter what the president does it's going to be met with opposition and he'll never be treated like past presidents have been treated , good values and morals are being replaced with complacent robot zombies that are to lazy to think for themselves, I think we should just quit trying to be fair and just shut the Democrats down ,fuck them and there ignorance, either way we win ,if we take the country back and burn the fake news outlets to the ground we win ,if they ignore facts and take over the country with there evil ways then America will be a memory and they will destroy themselves and give what's left of our beautiful country to the world to defile , I'd rather die and be a memory in the home I loved than to be stuck in the world the demoncrats are wanting to create !!

  9. President Trump was not alone in the room with Nancy and Chuck. Nancy, stop lying. You are losing control because of your hatred for President Trump. President Trump has done nothing wrong. Nancy, the same can not be said of you. Nancy, you are making a fool of yourself. You are also giving women a bad wrap because of your arrogant insanity and lies.

  10. I'd walk out on those two too
    I wouldn't come back to talk to them until they grow up and act like adults. My pen and I would get busy. Ok pelosi let's see you say a prayer at the podium before you start whatever that is you do.

  11. This so called news report is (in reality) a PR move to assist treasonous actions from the Democrat party I was a member of a very short time ago. ABC News is not news is Propaganda.

  12. And what? Because he has a temper tantrum you stop, hell no. No one else can see that he's a liar and a con he never thought there would be so many laws to get in the way of what he wants to do. He thought his presence would be the same as in business, now we know what he says basically is never the truth. Went over like a lead balloon! 😆


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