Buttigieg: Would put my mayoral, military experience up ‘against … any competitor’ l ABC NEWS – Car Mod Pros Portal

On the campaign trail in New Hampshire, ABC News’ Martha Raddatz sat down with 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg for an interview for “This Week.”

#thisweek #buttigieg #2020presidentialelection


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Buttigieg: Would put my mayoral, military experience up ‘against … any competitor’ l ABC NEWS”
  1. 90% of American people will not vote for a man that's tongue kissing another man on national TV that's just the fact I have nothing against the LGBT community I love them

  2. Mayor Pete has repressed anger management problems. He can be volatile. He lacks RESPECT for those who have proved themselves qualified to run for the presidency.

  3. Why is it important to scrutinize candidates running for office? Because of what is in the Oval Office now. Mayor Pete is a careerist. If not the presidency he will run for the Senate. The House of Representatives doesn't fit the bill. His military experience amounts to weekends and a three-month tour in Afganistan as a driver for officers. His lofty speech pattern is undeniable. He is definitely a 'pied piper.' He is a run-on sentence without a pause. He never answers the question until he spills out all his doubletalk words.

  4. Good News 🇺🇸Mayor Pete is ahead & raising in Iowa poll 26% as of Nov 17 2019
    Atlanta J C poll of Georgia latest poll shows that African-Americans would definitely vote for
    Mayor @PeteButtigieg 🇺🇸 a Military Veteran & Ivy League Mayor against corrupt Trump.
    Buttigieg 46%, Trump 43%
    Harris 45% Trump 44% #Pete2020 #PeteForUnitedAmerica

  5. Gabbard has superior intelligence and basically superior in every way as a candidate. Name one place pete is better? Certainly not the Middle East, certainly not the environment, certainly not as a leader or debater of the issues. I do not care about his sexuality, he is just a young white guy. He is not a woman or a minority

  6. Actually, he will be 38 on inauguration day, hardly a babe in swaddling clothes.
    They ask him machete-like questions.
    Except from Tulsi Gabbard, Kamala Harris gets these softball, nerf ball questions.
    Why? I'd like to see a woman president, but not ANY woman president.
    Amy Klobuchar is highly capable but she is ignored. Just askin'.

  7. I won't vote for him for president because he won't win the nomination. The typical American voter isn't smart enough to even consider him for the oval office. I'm just being pragmatic. I would like to see the next president, should the Democrats win, offer Pete Buttigieg the office of Secretary of Defense.

  8. I’m predicting it. In 2021 inauguration day “Ladies and Gentlemen please rise for the President of the United states Peter Buttigieg”

  9. I think if Bernie didn’t focus so much on trump and bashing republicans I would probably hesitate between him and mayor Pete.

  10. Great interview and intelligent conversation. Calm and to the point. Wonderful to listen to. America is getting somewhere w/this candidate 👍🇩🇪

  11. He’s so intelligent that I could listen to him speak all day. Pete for President! 😃😃❤️

  12. If u guys dnt need him.. I will take him.. Him and Tulsi too. My country needs educated, empathatic and good natured politicians..

  13. I listen to him with sheer delight. Pete Buttigieg threads his thought through multiple complex (and with no "biglys" and "like never befores") sentences, never shifting his focus from the question he's answering. Hope, the US deserve this decent, intelligent, knowledgeable, thoughtful and capable person.

  14. I respect this lady for doing her job and pushing for answers. Shame on anyone here criticizing her tone. Mayor Pete did an awesome job! Intelligent, thoughtful answers and handled the push back with respect. You know the orange bafoon in the WH would have interrupted her a dozen times if she tried to question him.

  15. If Mayor Pete gets cut from the herd, it won't be because he is intelligent, well-spoken and capable, but because that is not how American politics works any more. Cream no longer rises to the top, but shit still floats.💩

  16. I love this guy! Each time I listen to him I admire him even more. He may not win this time but he needs to keep trying; he will be able to keep the Democratic Party relevant for some time to come.

  17. Buttigieg and other Democratic candidate can't really pull military out of the Middle East, they make campaign promises to do so, but the military is there to protect the petro-dollar. The Saudis want American military in the Middle East, and if any president decides to take out the military presence then the Saudis will stop selling oil in dollars, and will take any other currency. The American way of life ends overnight. It is a fallacy and a myth to think the military can pull out of the Middle East. Without the Saudis, there's nothing backing up the US dollar.

  18. Buttigieg has the young Millennials, military, and gay votes in his pocket, but does he have the elderly Baby Boomers vote? And all they do is vote! If Buttigieg loses to Warren, Sanders, Biden…then this country is fucking retarded and senile in it's ways. The Baby Boomers need to be decent and stop running for office every time and they won't live long enough to see anything come from their time in power. It's the stupidest idea to let seniors run for office, when the country has more young people than ever! Warren, Sanders, and Biden weren't good enough early in their careers to be president so why should they be trusted now? You have Warren who lies about her race, Sanders who is a millionaire socialist scumbag who wants America to suffer like Venezuela, and Biden who can't keep his slimy hands off women!! No more senile people in politics!!

  19. This interviewer is trying to entrap to making a mistake. I like the way he gave her his responses. She just couldn't raddle him. I truly like his style.

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