Dr. William Husel pleaded not guilty to charges that he allegedly ordered fatal doses of pain medication while working as a critical-care physician at Mount Carmel Health. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2Wqvndl
Ohio doctor charged with 25 counts of murdering patients with fatal doses of pain medication
Cold blooded psycho doesn't even flinch .
There’s a lot of healthcare professional guilty of ruining people life and killing.
Who ever is blind to this fact should do some research.
Since COVID-19, doctors and nurses have been given the green light to kill.
I hope this guy gets is treatment by inmates every day until the end.
He killed 25 people. If each of these patients had family and friends, he easily affected the lives of 250 peoples.
He’s a fucking monster if not a demon.
Yea… its how they kill covid patients!
All doctors should be charged. We put them on a way to hi of a pedestal. Remember they're are humans just like us. And we put are lives in their hands. And so many people dieðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ
are you kidding me the motive is money liars!!!! every sigle doctor has deal with big pharma they get half the money from prescriptions to kill you and give you cancers and diseases and destroy your immune system so your sick and come back over in over while they monitor your death then blame covid!
my doctor should be with him! all the doctors are drug dealers now! they all just prescribe drugs thats it!
500 micrograms of fentanyl wtf!!!
Real life Cioccolata
This is I why I am afraid of getting sick
Surely, this doctor, is Pro-Vaccine. Like that other OHIO doctor. Billions of dollars paid to victims, of vaccines.
500 mcg of fentanyl that’s insane I’m on 25mcg every 48 hrs
My condolations to the victims
Not that this is to be condoned, but at least they didn't suffer in pain at the end. I could think of worse methods of death…
What? That doctor should be guilty for 25 murders! BS.
Also none of the nurses realized that he was giving these doses?
Maybe he entered the order wrong
Fake news.
As a Nurse, I will not give the ordered medication that is not within the therapeutic level. 500mcg is equivalent to 5 ampules! I’d rather be reprimanded than follow a faulty prescription. This is a prescribing error. Nurses are not robots to just follow orders, we use critical thinking and makes sure to always be safe to our patient. be proactive and dont be afraid to ask questions
The 25 patients must be much happier now
The prophecy of The Bible is here, the 400 years as arrive.
What people don’t realize is and I know being that I literally live by the hospital in Columbus Ohio the west side is known for a really large use of drugs (not saying it’s not on every side of town) but it’s really zombie town over here but needless to say he probably thought he would have never gotten caught considering the fact but he was probably thinking who would care it’s going to keep getting over looked
Dr Death deserves a death penalty.
The nurse and pharmacist could have stopped it before giving the patient they know that much dosage could killed patient.
I hate Mr. Dr. Husel, I hope the patients, are okay in heaven, they are in a better place I want to pray for them
Rich douchebag made bail.
Alert me when the Forensic Files episode on this guy and his "buddies" airs. It should be a classic!
He got away with everything for so long because the hospital staff worshipped him. He's tall, white, good-looking, and on steroids. The Ohio Dispatch interviewed a nurse – she said he was "respected and popular." And he was "regarded as a “cool, muscled, good-looking†doctor from the Cleveland Clinic who drew a core group of buddies." She said, “I thought he’s just full of himself because he’s intelligent and good looking and fit, but I never got ‘God complex’ from him,†she said, noting that he wore scrubs that showed off his upper arms, where he had a tattoo." https://outline.com/SRYthJ
He would NEVER have gotten away with all this for so long if he weren't a young-ish, white, tall, muscled, good-looking doctor. I hope he gets what he deserves in prison.
What is different? Surgeons offering surgery with only 10 % chance ? Of course the pt. Dies. No one is arrested. The pt was going to die any way. I don’t understand.
Pharmacist didn’t notice the high dosage?