People of Hong Kong protesting in record-breaking numbers – Car Mod Pros Portal

An estimated two million people have taken to the streets, attempting to send a message to China over a controversial extradition bill.


By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “People of Hong Kong protesting in record-breaking numbers”
  1. There are fight Mars loses in Hongkong or dead like the shouted big convertible. Free one there's no spelling or debt release until Congress says it moreover. If we don't get remission on resight more than explained “Rent that'll go here as they bindary past us about speakidding“ relate to a consequence too, something we haven't seen prior to moneychangers yet. But soldving have been trying bindary government to help siti alfiyah requited in Chinese *newspapers*. silentdragon asked to help translated into English based .

  2. I don't knows “where do you live now or is it just going dehydration on a back freedom journey “
    Tried your best gear with girls friends there to help part of the team alumn screeds there's an monopolies chance.

    “so like the shouted run on this net breaking , so sorry friend they that's arrangements closed , so freak out and we can speak english once proposed for intro judges for bills treatment as they favor, net “

    so tread truly in they process a freelance big deal, in there Hongkong . Get bindary on soldving by the end , “asked mandy if you want recharge not to be removed declared that'd mean untold privacy refunded me laughter from a alumni account“

  3. The ordinary citizens of the West were deceived by Hong Kong independents and the US CIA.
    I am a Hong Kong native. The mainstream media will not report it because Cia controls it.
    Hongkong is The most democratic and free region in the world ,And Student lying is the best in the world

  4. Yeah destroying the city and support by almost all 90% of the western media. Well couldn’t expect more from ABC, btw the crowd is on a ratio of 100:1 to the police or even more and they are throwing shits to the police officer

  5. wow, an estimated 28% of the Hong Kong population do not want to face criminal charges in China. That's democracy baby! somewhere Donald Trump is boasting "that's how I won the presidency… bitches!"

  6. Do not support the hooligans and ruffians of HK who only cause problems and chaos to HK.

  7. Lmao only 2mlion? There are 7milion hong konger😂😂😂

  8. Good. Keep it up hongkongers… dont put up with mainland china and ur corrupted leader. Stand up on what you believe in. Dont give up.
    Stand up against mainLand China

  9. The law of HK cannot take action against a HK killer who killed a HK people in Taiwan if the killer returned to HK. This is a legal loophole to protect the killer. There is nothing wrong for the HK Governor to modify this legal loophole to protect HK. There are many political groups in HK. Some neutral and some support China, but they seldom show up as they are just ordinary people and not organized good. Some groups against HK Governor or China. These groups include teachers, previous British HK Governor, Taiwan Independence models & US. Some of the anti China groups are very organized & aggressive. Most HK teaches educate the new generation after 1997. This young generation didn't have actual living experience before 1997. Most of them don't know how to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong in politics. They just listen to teachers' bias saying about China's negative as a first impression to enter in their mind. The Anti Chinese groups do it very successful, but this is not good to HK. In the past 30 years, China develops rapidly & very successful. That's why US tries their best to make use of HK and Taiwan to suppress China's peaceful rising up. This is the fact and everybody can see it. In politic this time is the victoria of the anti China groups in HK, but this is not a good thing to HK in future. The HK Governor, Mrs. Cheung is a kind lady who loves HK people & China. She want's HK good and she did nothing wrong. She failed to modify the legal loophole this time is because she is so kind and not strong enough. Actually she don't want anybody to get hurt in this case. She just sacrifices herself to get HK peaceful. She is too kind in politics that her opponent could hurt her more. The reason is that because she also wants China good and this makes the anti China groups against her. Everything has positive and negative. Nothing is perfect especially politics. A political group can say all negative against the opinion, but never mentions any positive to achieve their target. The politic has no true or false. The strongest is right. The loser or weaker is wrong. For example, In 19 centuries, the Colonialism and Imperialism Is are considered to be right in western countries. When they got colony, the people in that country would celebrate. They didn't care killing numerous of innocent people in other countries. They said that is the white men's burden. China is the country suffered most, but could say nothing because China was very weak at that time. That's why HK was a British colony for about 150 years. In the very beginning, British HK Governor never cared about HK people's living before the HK riot in 1967. After the riot, British HK Governor started to care about HK and started to build more housings to poor people. On the other hand, they also made use of HK to transfer huge amount of money to UK. This is the end of Colonialism in the world. As a matter of fact, HK people is nothing to worry as China did nothing bad to HK. China needs HK good and wants one country two system successfully in HK. Who wants one country two system fail in HK? Of course not China, but the previous British HK Gardener, the US, Taiwan independent molecule & anti China groups. Actually HK was peaceful and people is nothing to bury. But the anti Chinese groups makes use of students and young people to spend the alarmist. Young people are impulse, but have no life experience. They are easily to be made use as a political tool to against government & achieve their political target. That was why it came the HK occupy in 2013, but the anti China groups failed. Most people could not see the fact. There is no right or wrong In politics. The strongest is right and the weak is wrong. China understand this. That's why Chinese works very hard to make China become a 2nd rich and strong country in the world. The momentum of 14 billion wise and hard working Chinese cannot be stopped. A peaceful China and Chinese have the right to become rich and strong. You can delay China's peaceful rise up, but cannot stop it. This is a fact.



  10. Step down Carrie Lam. Honk Kong… we are so proud of you. You show the rest of the world how it's done 💗🇭🇰💗

  11. Yes, everyone should have the right to protest and speak up. Most definitely. However, I find it Interesting that the foreign press mainly point out the police using "force" but chose not to show protesters throwing bricks at the police. They were doing there job to protect the government office. They were in a defensive mode. Shouldn't the press be non biased & not selectively and conveniently show certain aspects, but not others??

  12. “What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?”
    – Thomas Jefferson

  13. A Message to China - 
    You have underestimated the people of Hong Kong, and their desire for Democracy. During the next election cycle you will see the people of Hong Kong insist upon VOTING FOR THEIR OWN LEADERS, not Beijing's hand picked candidates like Carrie Lam.

  14. 狗近平! 你不要忘记天安门事件。这一年再要发生一摸一样的。你得紧张了。韩国人支持香港人。香港加油!

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