Police, mayor confronted after family’s arrest fallout – Car Mod Pros Portal

As many as 2,500 people packed into a church in Phoenix to confront city leaders after a family was caught on video being confronted by police.


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Police, mayor confronted after family’s arrest fallout”
  1. “Real change” starts with the police department weeding out exposing and publicly exposing the criminals and racists in their ranks.

  2. "Real change" is all those faces who r in that mtg, the "community" is telling u what they want!!! The police chief is stone faced, she's stupidly telling the community change starts w/community while in front of the community…. Profound r stupid…

  3. Too bad they aren't that organized when its one of their own shooting up the neighborhood and actually murdering toddlers and teenagers on an epidemic level.

  4. This is the norm with some police officers Who recruits these thugs the problem starts from the top down until that is recognised things won’t change retired lifeboatmen uk

  5. Real change starts with hiring more educated and qualified cannidates and being responible for actions instead of hiring ignorant mental baffoones and recuiting idiots from mental asylums!!!!

  6. No I do not live in the city of Phoenix this police chief seems to be at the center of all the problems with the police department numerous news items about police brutality shootings dishonest police seems like she's the problem maybe it's time for new leadership of the police department in Phoenix

  7. That chief of police is crap. Real change in policing starts with police, not the community. Police brutality isn't community brutality. It's the police beating on the community

  8. This is a clear example of police brutality! These poor black babies in fear of their lives, their parents can't even protect them from the people who are suppose to protect them. I am so sick of police treating people like animals!

  9. "real change doesn't start with the police department it starts with the community" what changes can the community make to prevent cops from holding small children at gunpoint over a 1$ Barbie?

  10. Real change to policing policies and procedures begins and ends with the police department and the police chief.

  11. It's the Land of the Free where fascism and corruption abounds, the ugly flip side to Communism at least the Chinese don't gloss over their politics with BS, thank you Trump for exposing the ugly under belly of American politics and control of their people.

  12. They were NOT SHOP LIFTING a child had a doll her mother didn’t even know until the cops showed up

  13. It's a demonstration of how police are in this country. They just dont care because they dont suffer from any consequences. We the people will take a stand and it wont be good.

  14. If the police chief and mayor support this type of behavior by the cops, the police chief and mayor should be treated the exact same way.

  15. Police violated UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION and police chief said it's everyone else that has to change. That's NOT taking responsibility for her own departments CRIMINAL ACTS. Fire her.

  16. I feel like nothing's going to happen until they remove police immunity and make them personally responsible for their actions and lack of one offer does something wrong nobody admits it everybody covers it up

  17. That so called police chief is very disconnected about what’s really happening in the community not hers because she like most cops don’t live in the communities they patrol ….🤨🤨🤨

  18. I would've got up and said you're right police chief it starts with us, us getting your stupid ass out of the position you currently hold and make sure everyone that has your mentality goes with you.

  19. That chief definitely needs to be relieved of her position,,,,, as long as they have a person like that as chief nothings going to change and it doesn’t matter what happens,,,Phoenix PD you are pathetic

  20. That police chief needs to be fired now blame it on the community needs to change that little did not no any better an all they had to do is put back item remember she is only four years old out of control mad man with a badge an gun wanted to kill a four I year little girl all tell you what I Giovanni will be more then happy to pay for that doll for her at any given time I might want to give more it is up to the parents I am in California the junk man. Scrappy..

  21. She should resign for what she said immediately or get fired a black African American chief of police talking smack to her own race fired at once’s

  22. That just shows you you can you can replace every officer with an African-American the police chief with an African-American but you're still putting them in charge of a institutional racist station you've got to fix the problem systemically not by replacing different members with minorities

  23. U.S. law "enforcement" is corrupt from the top down. Chiefs are puppets, Commissioners are puppets, Governors are puppets to a Luciferian Freemasonic mafia with an agenda to create chaos, then impose a Police State New World Order. This is all intentional, and no Chief of police has the power to change anything, same as the puppet POTUS. They ALL answer to the Puppet Masters pulling the strings from behind the curtain. Conspiracy fact. Blatantly obvious.

  24. I’m pretty sure the little girl didn’t understand what she accidentally was doing

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