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Ain’t our fucking problem. When they fly over our area then it’s our problem till then let them while each other out. If they mess with our allies we access and act if necessary.
So Biden, why u so care about being called boy than son in Word Crime:) For me, both got amiable feeling when someone calls me in either way that they treat me like the one in his old neighborhood. Plus, American English has eloved for quite a long history from its mother- Britain since the Revolution. So, again why care that much? And let's listen Wierd Al's Word Crime, then you will know :)……STF…….
Lebanon will destroy Israel
Death to Israel
if true, Trump just showed more justice than his military advisors
أمريكا الدولة الارهابية الاولى ÙÂÂÂيالعالم ماذا ÙÂÂÂعلتم ÙÂÂÂياليابانقنبلة نووية قتلتم الالا٠الناس جرائمكم ÙÂÂÂÙŠÙÂÂÂلسطينالعراق Ø£ÙÂÂÂغانستانسوريا سو٠ياتييوم تذوقونطعم الØÂÂÂروب والقتل كما ÙÂÂÂعلتم بالناس
As foretold, all of this information must come out into the open at the period when we are about to be overcome by harmful elements and can step no further…
"Just two or three righteous people will be able to fulfill the Creator’s mission. Even one truly righteous would be able to do it…
"So it was predicted that one day we would encounter the presence of people with ways different from our own; they will pose as good-hearted. Their words will be charming and they will multiply like ants. We must not be deceived by them, for the vines of their kingdom will spread throughout the land, diluting and dissolving everything that gets in its way. We must be cautious and not covet or adopt any of their ways, for it will forever be a curse upon our nation…. The DemonKrats the Bloodlines of Satan the separation of the Tares from the Wheat of the Lord's Bloodlines.
"One day a strange people will appear in our midst, people who will create man in his own image. Once given his language and knowledge, our people will become the instrument by which he will try to rule over us and carve the rest of us into his image. Our own people will become his tools, and he will make certain they do a good job.
"But if we remain strong and firmly rooted, we will not be reshaped, whereas others will slump because they are rootless. So when the tests come we must possess the strength to preserve ourselves…
"The Earth is like a spotted fawn, and each spot has a duty to make the body function. Our Soul is the center of the earth’s body. It is the spot of power with the duty to foretell the future by comparing the actions of mankind with the prophecy told them…"
No more Wars for ISRAEL
The following information, along with the migration map will be helpful in shedding more light and understanding on this most important and timely subject.
We are endeavoring to show that the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the world today are none other than the peoples which comprise the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples.
Since they are scattered throughout the world, it is difficult to have an accurate estimate of how many Israelites (real Israelites) there are living at this time, but there are some who estimate that there are between six and seven hundred million. The promise which is stated in the scriptures made some 3800 years ago to Abraham, Isaac and Isaac’s sons (the Saxsons) as recorded in the book of Genesis, has come to pass.
The promise was reiterated specifically to Jacob, who was given the name “Israelâ€ÂÂÂ.
The first time that Abraham was told that his progeny would be a blessing to all nations of the world, and would be a great host of people, is found in the Twelfth chapter of Genesis, but for this study we will consider chapter twenty-two where the Lord appears the second time to Abraham to repeat and confirm what we call today the “Abrahamic Covenant.â€ÂÂÂ
Consider verses fifteen through eighteen which state: “And the Angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time and said,
“By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice.â€ÂÂÂ
For many centuries the peoples which comprise “Anglo-Saxondom†have practiced some kind of faith to God. They are found in every nation and people in the world, and they have also been a blessing in other ways to the have-not nations of the world.
Most Christians are aware that the Israelites were carried into captivity, but many know little about the details. A short synopsis of this story is found in second Kings, chapter eighteen. There we read of this deportation of Israel and, a few years later, most of Judah.
In approximately 730 B.C. Shalmaneser (king of Assyria) invaded Israel, and we read in verses 11 and 12:
‘â€ÂÂÂand the King of Assyria did carry away Israel unto Assyria, and put them in Halah and in Harbor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes, because they obeyed not the voice of the Lord their God. but transgressed his covenant.â€ÂÂÂ
In verse 13, it states that seven years later the Assyrian army came up against the remaining cities of Judah and took them. Only Jerusalem remained under King Hezekiah’s control. Eventually the city of Jerusalem was also destroyed as the people continued to struggle. In the year 596 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, came and besieged Jerusalem, and took the inhabitants approximately 22,000 into what we call the Babylonian Captivity.
This is a short history in a nutshell, so to speak, of Israel’s deportation and subsequent captivity. However, the important thing that we need to remember is that, when almost the entire population of all twelve tribes of Israel were taken captive by the armies of Assyria, they were placed in the area of the Caucasus Mountains to the North of their Homeland. There they remained for approximately one hundred years, and became known as Caucasians, most of these people had fair skin, blonde, or reddish-blond or light-brown hair and light blue or blue-green eyes.
The name Caucasian has remained as part of their identity ever since that time. Most people have no idea whatsoever of the connection between the Caucasians and the Israelites of Bible history and prophecy.
In fact, the great majority of the peoples of “Anglo-Saxondom†today have little, if any, idea as to why they happen to be called Caucasians. When a person seeks employment it is not unusual to find the question asked as to whether they are of Caucasian descent. Most people answer “yes†without thinking of the historic reason for this designation.
Secular history records, that the twelve tribes were never really lost, but had just taken on a different name.
The map shows the different routes taken by the Israelites when they left the area of the Caucasus mountains and migrated over into Europe during the subsequent years. They were not known as “Israelites†during this trek Westward, but by the various names as shown on the map. Later, as they settled in various parts of Europe, they took on the names by which we know the countries today. Collectively, we call them the “Western Christian nationsâ€ÂÂÂ. As the movement west continued, we find that a representative number of the twelve tribes gathered here on this North American Continent.
The prophets Isaiah and Micah prophesied that in the last days a great and mighty nation would arise. It would be a prosperous nation, and be called Jacob, i.e. Israel, and this great prosperous nation and it’s people would honor God. Today millions of people from other cultures and races are seeking to migrate to America and Canada to have a share in our material prosperity.
The prophet Hosea prophecies about the future restoration of Israel, which has now been fulfilled for the most part. You need to realize that the Caucasian race (the peoples which comprise Anglo-Saxondom) are the Israelites talked about in the Bible, We are the real Jewish race.
The above information is one of the best kept secrets of our time. The people that are in control and are trying to take over the world do not want a certain part of the population of this country and many others to know that they are the chosen people not the ones that are in old Israel trying to reestablish the home front there.
The lost tribes, the “chosen peopleâ€ÂÂÂ, are found en masse in the United States. They are the light-haired, blue or blue-green-eyed people.
In the year of 1992 in a little town above Bonners Ferry, Idaho, there was a family by the name of Weaver that was ripped apart and was used as an example. This family were members of a new group of people that call themselves “The New Identity Movementâ€ÂÂÂ; these people know that they are the true descendants of the seeds of Abraham, but the controlling Jews have taken over our government and they go nuts when their “claimed position†is threatened.
What the nebulous “they†did was that they sent in federal troops to make an example of this family. The fact that the root of the whole fiasco was over religious belief was never on the news, to my knowledge. Randy Weaver and his family were very outspoken about their beliefs and this was their downfall. Randy Weaver lost his wife Vicki and a son in this show of power over the people.
The “Khazar-Jews†that are controlling our government have plans and will stop at nothing to wipe out the true seeds of Abraham. They have been in our government for sometime now and have written laws to protect themselves and laws such as the Emergency Executive Orders (as outlined in the chapter on F.E.M.A) to force the “chosen race†into concentration camps and kill them by what ever means they choose.
Its the plan for another holy war. Another Inquisition is the one being done from the Catholic Church, because they (Khazar-Jews) still control it too. They have been trying to wipe out the royal seed, the “chosen ones†for along time.
The Khazar-Jews are also behind the Illuminati and all of their dastardly plans to control the world hand in hand with the Catholic Church, the “Great Scarlet Whoreâ€ÂÂÂ.
This is like when your 80-year-old uncle unintentionally says something very racist.
This politicians are so brave just talking but i don't see any in front line
Fucking coward s
just dumb
The entire arm industries are now cheering.. with free flow of beer ðŸÂ»ðŸÂ» !
Peter booty gig
You lost me at bone spur
Nuke goes off in distance
Nobody deserves to die over a dumb drone
Hahaha. Stupid Trump cannot bluff. He shows all his cards and then try to convince people he has a full poker in hand.