Inside a detention facility criticized for conditions – Car Mod Pros Portal

Restraining orders have been filed against two facilities as another family — a woman, a toddler and two infants — was found dead on the U.S. side of the southern border. READ MORE:

#Immigration #ABCNews


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Inside a detention facility criticized for conditions”
  1. 😭😭😭💔💔💔

  2. And joe biden admin just reopened these lol 😂😂
    C’mon strahan where’s your coverage now??

  3. 70,000 kids are being held in camps for years. Shame on you Republicans. No physical touch, love or education. They are better off with their families, even if they are poor.

  4. Mexico is corrupt. That’s why there’s so much crime and that’s why organized crime is practically the government. They pay off police, military, and government officials to leave them alone and to give them more and more territory. The more power they have the more and more innocent lives will be ruined or destroyed. Gangs like to mark their territory on the more poor parts of Mexico because it’s easier to control. And they terrorize the innocent families and residents who are also struggling to make ends meat.

  5. I think we need to help our own country first, before we help them. I support myself and I'm a young woman who has no car, no children. I pay full rent. I can't afford healthcare or food due to living costs and I make $14 an hour. People like me need help. Cost of living and taking the bus. Bus fare is expensive in texas now.
    I won't have kids because I don't have the time to be homeless and get benefits welfare

  6. Mexico's government is so messed up. It's like street justice there. If you owe money or make a mistake they will kill u. It's not like here in the USA.

  7. I hear from people who crossed the border their selves, that thy are running from people they owe money to. They are running from their problems. They are trying to start a new life.

  8. This is their own fault. I wouldn't drag my children across the land with no full proof plan for their well being. I would've stayed in my country and fought or migrated with just me and mine, not with a mob of strangers. This was a recipe for the disaster from the jump. Parents fault, hands down.

  9. "Crisis at the border", most people in their immigrated legally but their documents expired. We don't have a massive issue of people crossing the boarder legally. We have an issue of people being able to renew their documents.

  10. I feel sorry for these people are in the family but then when I hear others say that this isn't a great country. it gets me very upset if this wasn't such a great country then why would others risked their lives to come?

  11. im mexican and am furious at the guy that got his daughter killed by tucking her in his shirt. Also mad at the Mom who was crying. She knew where they were going and were willing to risk thier kid's life. Whatvexactly is she crying about. i would never put my kids through that danger. Idiots, selfish idiots.

  12. if you tell everyone that he has the right to come into the country then many try! the people who encourage foreigners to cross illegal borders are to blame for every single dead person!

  13. Oh no look what trump did… these centers were built over night on his day of election and he detained all those people by his self.. I guess that’s why we didn’t see no protesters before 2016.. or maybe they didn’t care

  14. This is a horror bigger than Gitmo. Jailed and TORTURED!!¡
    Maybe President Trump gave license for it to stem the tide of illegal immigration, but these are crimes against humanity that I lose sleep over! Impeach him for this!!!
    Every suicide is a grave sin on his soul!! At the very least, send all of them on a bus deep into the heart of Mexico. Then line the border with armed military if necessary. Then shoot!!!

  15. Non-White civilization is trashy. That is why they want to live on the scraps of Whites than live in their own countries full of their own Mestizo race.

  16. Should’ve just came legally 🤷🏻‍♀️

  17. Supporting illegal immigration is what’s causing detention centers to become over crowded. The Southern Border has been neglected for decades and a wall needs to be in place. Many politicians have supported a wall in the past, it’s funny how the current administration is fixing this issue and now many Americans are protesting against it. Any Nation has a right to secure its borders, you just can’t arrive into a country at will. Follow the legal process like millions of immigrants did in the past. Why doesn’t sanctuary cities help with the over crowded detention centers? All talk no action, let’s just get the wall built and fast.

  18. When my grandparents came here 100 years ago they where quarantined for 90 days to make sure no-one had any contagious disease. Makes sense to me you don't want an outbreak. You can't bring a piece of fruit into Canada, why should we put Americans at risk by letting everything in without screening first.

  19. That’s not a detention facility. For fucks sake, will you people actually do something useful with your lives, it’s pathetic. You can’t even get your facts correct.

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