White House to fight Supreme Court block on census question – Car Mod Pros Portal

U.S. households have not been asked about citizenship on the census in nearly 70 years.




By carmodpros


26 thoughts on “White House to fight Supreme Court block on census question”
  1. What is wrong with a question “ are you a citizen of USA” ?

    I think this argument is getting out of proportion.

  2. Despite what the SCOTUS says this idiot bully is wasting time with a census question. He has a congenital brain anomaly. Intellectually challenged.

  3. Why do so many people support Donald Trump?

    It is common to make the assumption that people are informed or maybe misinformed and are thinking when they vote, and they are making reasoned choices. I harbor no such illusion. No discussion I have ever gotten into with these people, despite avoiding talking to them, I sometimes can't resist saying something that's true, and it has never convinced even one of them. They are not reasoning, nor do they want to try. They simply believe what they believe. What do they believe in?, they change the subject to Whatabout – BarackAndHillary

  4. Hey everyone type in on youtube.."putting trump supporters through an ideology test"…..omg 🤣🤣🤣fucking hillarious..its the first video on list from comedy central

  5. Im citizen here for 30 yrs and have never filled out a census..🤔..when are these given out i never ever seen one..

  6. The current administration in the US appears to be spending a lot of time in court and wasting an awful lot of tax payers dollars in doing so…

  7. So, if he is reelected what will he do during his next 4 years. He has given the rich a tax break. He created chaos with Obamacare, btw, he said he would solve the healthcare problem in his first 60 days. He has doubled the deficit. Made our air and water less safe. He wants to leave the planet to die. He has had his picture take with dictators from all around the world. He has told 11,000 lies and used Twitter to torment people he doesn't like. He has created a crisis at the border and we are now holding human being's in cages in unsanitary facilities for profit, there is nothing protecting us from bank fraud anymore, women have lost access to birth control through private insurance, they will potentially lose coverage for pregnancies/birth coverage, the Violence Against Women Act was not renewed and they are fighting really hard to take away women's choices about when they want to start a family. He has created a division in this country like we've never seen and pulled racists, bigots and white supremacists out of the shadows. I mean, what is the man going to do in the next 4 years. What else did Obama do that he can undo…anymore environmental regulations he can roll back, anymore of our rights he can diminish — he made it possible for all of our data, our names, address, emails, credit card numbers, shopping, searching, etc. to be sold. More profits for the rich off the backs of the American people. He's going to become a full blown dictator and we're going to be living in a 3rd world country…dictators do not rule 1st world countries.

  8. I’d like to see how long donald trump would last on an episode of “Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader”. He would call in an executive order to officially change the first questions he’d at least make it the number two. Which coincidentally is what he really is, a number two. 💩

  9. nap echA tA /LA




    p o polu 

    can't remove people hu already established here kids go to school help them fill in paperwork and settle them especially those hu came over years hep to adjust status Azerwize is legalizing looting by government horrible practices. 

    video recordings today



    we going to be amaze wife husnab=nd be happy with how ru tin i dea L in ?

    per io di t i s



    we like nachinka no breAD

    we have nachiNka

    like in pirogi

    laik U robota?


    wanna bees?



    i am just against the bottled drinks ?

    why so popular all fact drinks aside f r o w ater or tea fresh??


    why we persecute rich ppl automatically what miens once any mo

    dazn matter what business

    why business and hu etc and then we do it and put on pedestal and then person on pedestal was wrong where were we when all that was happening nd we stick ppl on pedestal and then we get upset they fraud borderline physchology 

    is liek mass

    or like black hole invidula particle is reversible and not all of them do u see

    all of us or al of them 

    do u see



    reverse wanna be elle gant?

    pay lest?

    why mock Z

    mo kerry





    see the same as rubber on tires. 

    the person standing relaxed and flexible jaw can move around a little so impact is that the body is relaxed on receiving ed same as soft rubber on red the body moves and entire body cremates impact so it bounces. just as rubber n tire when it is softer. then the person tries to really flex into piston in to one pice and they he gets knocked Aut fast cause he is one tight pice and takes impact as one piece and not relaxes moving pieces so he get knocked liek scow hulk?

    then we have a swimmer he kind of assumes the position even more flexible in his knees he bend his knee  a little in te way entire body is relaxes and ge gets extra bouncing on both of his legs impact so he can really take the heat well and then that the guy is exposing self by bending upfront   straight knee. the close to the year it where palm lands the stronger the impact near the spine if the hit the end of the jaw and not into year they are k. 

    so rubber is really important monocles accidents happens cause bikers want faster performance they basically riding on spikes and not on teh full rubber impact 

    tires are horrible safety horrible 

    on wrong tires

    vv ron 9 


    look in th mirror that formula was string theory i lost string 

    what did i say ?

    that formula 

    why the excellent did not offer to save and open last document 

    horrible i tried to find and i could not find document 

    i cant re call what i said i should have been bale to say one last document and there was not an option 

    they can have items permanently lost it is a horrible situation 

    i need my documents and they cant just disaster any one item from here

    bg hope earth quake deal. 

    basically i can start searing if thsi DAse not change and i get horrible tease then.

    I was thinking now i move away from the mirror then it be ver

    but that had stopped. 

    so i dd not have to move

    i did not have to move

    about boob is boob reduction 

    what if i get to have bg boob is that save to do reduction 

    is slavery also 


    what was that opinion shift with legal office that they said they do not help to fill forms?

    4 3 thousand dollar was shift contacting them ???

    are they bullying me these peopel and hu 

    what are those giant boobs lady she seem natural but why they specifically said meet her mitt her

    what do they mean was it a joke?

    and o what Azer ways they have to arrest peopel and be secretive about it is a high criminal fraud they have withheld information on peopel liek this 

    what they did with then person hu won byrd?

    is horrible. 

    they did not care he did worst situation and maybe tat was an accident but they were sensitive a paw a hooker cmlianed she was planted to so why Austia hooker was planted there same same they plant hookers trick 

    and then treat it what hooker said is respectable situation. and then in customs they say is my word against yoru and they give problem and make people pay fine over broken glasses. thsi si way more serious situation that casita officers police tel lies and lie about why get into police or sheriff car liek they do not arrest u they they just take a whole day to drive u to prison and about the rase just take a short ride it is similar to the person hu drove me to first and lied why etc and they tried to rape me. that is similar to the rape mental and rape of right the sheriff lied. why tis that person in court they basically get to be shot in teh head and excited liek hangers there get to be his picture of one of the hangers i am so angry all sheriff why were involve din teh arrest pays the women from Grledale hu stepped on my face she is on those hangers that they did the show public execution in Ukrain 

    and so very mad at thes epee . i dod be gladly ing to the public persecution fo the sheriffs hu ordered and executed my arrest plus the judges including Brazil hu said he cant help and i would liek to see the Shift hanged as well 

    plus Justin Trudua 

    because Zelenskii is not so important as Justing supporting the type of the shows indirectly and he has more of  significant impact hu he support Zelensky get to hand if he approve the show if it is but of his control he smelly a bad horrible leader for the cantry. on teh Azer hand Jaustin Trudua then a nazi and why to have his kids suffer i liek to see him hand for supporting a fucked carry deep in crises and infected with nazie tenderizes.  say basically i liek to hang few nazies which s nota  bog deal.

    I am really upset that justin speak french when 95 person of the cantry speaks english i do not ken what he means

    and it is alas a horrible frendcu i ear is kind of dalnoboyshick type of french dialect 

    horrible twisted canadian frisch french peopel laughter at nd have difficult time understanding. 

    pascal; y justin can eat his own shit i am so mad at him for supporting zelensky and give any money to Ukrain to continue to do nazist there extremist. 

    hu is next ??

    i am handing nazies .

    and when i lose any one items is a horrible absolutely and of the work dsitation am so mad an anyone hu is making things disaster including Ice 

    making peel disspaer including police stealing items from melts spell . all thes hazes het to hang and dies horrible death 

    minus shingler list 



    ie st


    also so mad at every comedian and their entire families clan including children was that is what they do to voters hu watch you tae an dev and they showS




    t is important to remember that this migration of senior voters away from the GOP and Trump is happening despite the arguably strong economy. Polls have repeatedly shown that voters of all stripes acknowledge that the economy is in fantastic shape, but the majority say they are not personally feeling its benefit. In a new Economist/YouGov poll, just 25 percent of seniors and 25 percent of Americans overall say that they are better off financially than they were a year ago.

    they eat the Many 

    investment not existent peopel do nt say that si why they do nt claim benefits and they have to continue to work 

    Americans, including our seniors, view the great economy like it were a great party they’re hearing about, but were somehow not invited to attend.

    The Trump campaign and its allies will argue that the president will win the 65 and older voting bloc in 2020 and, in all likelihood, they are correct. However, the question is not whether they will win it but by what margin Trump will win it, because the smaller the margin, the bigger the problem for the president in swing states.

    the knee


    lost knicker 



    swAin flu

    do not do any flu shots they useless

    thsi si waste of Many 

    cant do flue shots is a fraud

    just make sure that do not laugh in teh sleeve horrible habit 

    shaking hands while sick peel nee dto say am sick i do not want to infect u 

    what we do instead we get upset when they do not shake hand start to think of Azers and do not create contact with peopel if a person feels sick they cant go and infect Azers eve dogs die a lo N g 


    A  l  low?

    what ?


    fire shift 

    why that girl IRIs said hat she said i was refused??

    what did she mean?

  10. Trump just said the revolutionary army took over the "airports"

    Does he even know when planes were invented? There were definitely no airports in the 18th century

  11. I never filled out a census in my life. What other questions are on the census?
    How many bumpstocks are in your household?
    How many firearms are in you household?
    How many suppressors are in your household?
    What you don’t know won’t hurt you buddy, & I like my firearms like my immigrants, UNREGISTERED.

  12. It's sad that Democrats feel they have to cheat in order to win elections … counting illegals in a census and inflating their States numbers is the ONLY reason they are fighting Trump on this issue.

  13. Why on earth wouldn't it be on the census?..Could we go to another country and vote illegally? Illegal aliens have no business being included in our country's business. What a bunch of kooks!!

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