ABC News’ Rebecca Jarvis shares tips for consumers to make sure they’re getting discounts that are truly deals during Amazon’s biggest sale of the year.
#ABCNews #Amazon #PrimeDay
ABC News’ Rebecca Jarvis shares tips for consumers to make sure they’re getting discounts that are truly deals during Amazon’s biggest sale of the year.
#ABCNews #Amazon #PrimeDay
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Items in my cart at a cheaper price, showed up at a higher price with a fake discount price during Prime Day.
Why not shop for a cause? Visit and start shopping for #Miracleon22ndStreet! .05% of all purchases go right to the non-profit, so treat yourself!
Porch pirates are fapping thinking about this
suckers prime is bullspit
Yeah and then Increase another 25 bucks on next year prime
Wow a commercial for amazon passed as news … disgusting
Prime day is a joke. People have better things to do than to monitor prime or sales for 48th straight hours
Checkout My Channel for Amazon Prime Day 2019
How to Spot fake news. It's on ABC.
Why isn't the news talking about the attack on ICE by that terrorist antifa guy??
What a stupid segment. I learned nothing.
Um it's called "Amazon prime day"🤣🤣🤣
Is this a paid ad?
Way to plug
Amazon is gay but that woman saying camel camel camel has me cracking up
Use honey easy
Often better deals can be found on ebay or other sites. Rarely are deals better locally. Local big box stores like target and wally have overhead like loss prevention. Local building. Etc.
From my shopping experiences with buying books there not always cheaper on amazon or ebay.
First, they don't support their own workers. There are numerous stories from former and current workers about the grueling pace that is needed to keep a job at Amazon but they have shown that they are okay with replacing a person with a robot. Second, they allow the USPS substitute carrier's or what's known as an RCA and also anyone off the Street with an Amazon flex app to deliver their packages. Do you honestly think the carrier gives a crap about what happens to that package when they have a ton of other stops to make and they don't get paid based on the quality but the quantity they deliver so the faster they deliver or misdeliver the packages the faster they can be back home doing their own things. Meanwhile, someone waiting on their laptop is wondering what happened. Or how the hell did it get wet/broke. Third, Jeff bezos said that this isn't a forever company. He seems to be planning on liquidating the delivery side of the company within 5 years because of his repeated quotes about it inevitable Death.
This is okay, it's his company and so he can do whatever he wants too with it but my question is what about the hole that Amazon would leave if he did do something like that…
My point is that I refuse to support something that aims too enrich the few and it ruins the life of majority who really did all the work as the few did nothing but collect money.
There's something poetic about having the MSM tell the public on how to spot the fakes. Up next : Newsflash!! If we said it at also likely to good to be true!
So don’t care about amazon
Ads presented as journalism: how to spot fayk newz.
Feel bad for all those Amazon workers having a freaking deal with this crap the people working there better get a big ass bonus in their check
Was this a commercial?
how to spot fake deals: check url if it says amazon UF'd
Biggest way to spot a fake deal? When someone convinces you that you need something you clearly don’t, & can’t rightly afford. If I don’t NEED something, I don’t need a deal on it.
Fake deals on amazon and fake news on abc
Use honey
I'd rather be told how to spot fake news
"How to spot fake deals"
😩 do scammers ever take a day off?😒
How to spot fake deals, look at anything on Amazon it's either second hand goods, pirated or cheap shit from overseas. Easy to see them.
Jeff Bazos ðŸâ€Â¯ owns Amazon, Whole Foods, and the Washington post.
Best deals of prime day
what a lame video! the only decent piece of info was that 2 second mention of the camel website!
What a fucking dystopia we live in boys
Wow, so I should check prices and who I'm buying from. I never would have guessed?
How can such a big company get away with legally ripping people off?..I don’t understand
After hearing Amazon doesn’t pay taxes, I stopped shopping there.
Amazon is trash. Had to send back three damaged books before I had enough and just issued a refund. Crappy service.
Obey. Consume. Rinse and repeat