President Trump delivers remarks on census, citizenship at the White House | ABC News

President Trump delivers remarks on census, citizenship at the White House | ABC News

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50 thoughts on “President Trump delivers remarks on census, citizenship at the White House | ABC News

  1. Democrats are so worried that they won’t win now they are letting illegals into our country to get votes not caring how this effects the US citizens. Wake up people …..Shut out Democrats or we will be in food lines

  2. Nice yellow tie he's wearing!!!🇺🇸😊❤👍

  3. The President speeches are good for people with Insomnia 😴😴😴😴😏✌

  4. Why do we have Constitution if it can be easily manipulated. Americans care about putting food on their tables, roofs over their heads, education and healthcare for their families, quality of life for the elderly, jobs with a livable wage and being represented by honest forthright elected officials who care about these issues as well and make an effort to do what's in the best interests of the people. Doesn't the president have to have all these agencies ask the citizens before they share their personal information?

  5. Are all KKK members fat and ugly like Barr and Trump? I bet they look funny with a big white sheet with a big ass belly hanging out the bottom.

  6. Is this so the government can plan how to give new infrastructure , clean water and air, free health care, free education and affordable housing to the citizens of the USA? That would be nice said sarcastic me.
    I didn't mention employment because I've heard unemployment has never been lower so… sweet.

  7. Do what it takes to stop the craziness that's trying to destroy our nation!! Start removing the illegal immigrants and start applying the rule of law that governors our states!! We want our country back!!!

  8. Fat ass #Barr gotta a speech for everything except
    Why dafuq his daddy Donald Barr, hire #epstein to be a math teacher at the private school he ran 🤔
    Epstein didnt even graduate from college, He was a fox in a hen house.
    Can #Barr give us a explanation for that? 🤔

  9. He wants records turned over immediately 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    You first #DonaldTrump start with your GD taxes!

  10. This is Trump's ulterior motive for the citizens question on the census

    WASHINGTON — Thomas B. Hofeller achieved near-mythic status in the Republican Party as the Michelangelo of gerrymandering, the architect of partisan political maps that cemented the party’s dominance across the country.
    But after he died last summer, his estranged daughter discovered hard drives in her father’s home that revealed something else: Mr. Hofeller had played a crucial role in the Trump administration’s decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.
    Files on those drives showed that he wrote a study in 2015 concluding that adding a citizenship question to the census would allow Republicans to draft even more extreme gerrymandered maps to stymie Democrats. And months after urging President Trump’s transition team to tack the question onto the census, he wrote the key portion of a draft Justice Department letter claiming the question was needed to enforce the 1965 Voting Rights Act — the rationale the administration later used to justify its decision.
    Those documents, cited in a federal court filing Thursday by opponents seeking to block the citizenship question, have emerged only weeks before the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the legality of the citizenship question. Critics say adding the question would deter many immigrants from being counted and shift political power to Republican areas.
    New York Times

  11. TRUMP is our LORD and SAVIOR! Why do the Democrats fight against everything that is good for this country? If you love Mexico or Any city in the US that is overly populated with Blacks AKA Ghettos or Slums Then go live there, no one is stopping you. When you live in an area that is highly populated with white people guess what Crime is DOWN, Rape is non existent, Homes are kept in good living conditions, We call prostitutes house wives, There will still be BBQ's but you won't see people getting shot for the color of their shoes, The Rims won't be the my expensive part of the car, Children can actually go outside and play, and you can understand what everyone says because we all speak English. Who am I to judge though, If you enjoy living off food stamps and having your house broke into, hearing gun shots and police sirens day in and day out, if you enjoy having to point at the menu to place an order because no one there speaks English then by all means move to these places but don't try to force this lifestyle on the rest of us because you think it isn't fair. Trump is trying to help everyone in the US and all you people do is hate him for it, he is like the modern day Jesus Christ.

  12. Sniff Sniff…Census question: How many idiot Trump supporters are citizens of America that have any brains in America? If there no twigs up top ……helpful citizenship?

  13. That question should have ALWAYS been on there. Trump is our LORD and SAVIOR if you believe different then you should just move to Mexico. HE is our president and instead of fighting him at every turn you need to get in line and follow one of the best leaders this country has ever had.

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