‘Vaccine passport’ debate intensifies – Car Mod Pros Portal

Texas joins Florida in banning proof-of-vaccination requirements as more businesses and schools consider whether to implement them. ABC News’ Alex Presha has the details.

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#ABCNews #Vaccines #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Passport


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “‘Vaccine passport’ debate intensifies”
  1. You don't get COVID19 in subway trains and protests, riots. It's already proved. COVID19 is just full of mystery and Gov got no justification to force people to use vaccine or vaccine passports.

  2. WHO Warns Against Use Of COVID-19 Vaccine Passports – UK Environment Secretary/Minister Says Vaccine Passports 'Unnecessary' – Multiple Legal, Constitutional, Medical And Ethical Issues Around Vaccine Passports – History Of Racism, Xenophobia And Genocide Around Plagues – Governor DeSantis Issues Order Banning ‘Vaccine Passports’ https://www.agreenroadjournal.com/2021/04/who-warns-against-use-of-covid-19.html

  3. Give it a few more months. They will require everyone to wear black leather boots and wear arm bands. It is only a matter of time. Disarm public, Force Medical Tyranny, strip away rights. uses phony political leverage to create false freedom.

  4. The entire planet is now suffering from PTSD. There has been permanent psychological damage done, by treating people like cattle for the last year. These people who get the vaccine, and then still claim that the unvaccinated are a threat, are delusional. Their fear of a virus has reached the level of paranoia. The "experts" tell us that the vaccine is 100% effective at preventing serious illness and death. Apparently that's not good enough. Now they want protection from a runny nose or cough. Basically they're demanding a risk free existence, and they will use any means necessary to obtain it.

  5. In Europe, however, which hosts 8 of the top 10 pharmaceutical exporting countries, planning for vaccine passports began at least 20 months prior to the start of the COVID-19 outbreak. Apparently, the pandemic conveniently provided European politicians with the ‘excuse’ they needed to introduce the idea.

  6. It’s interesting that the first two vaccines available were the first of their kind and 40 years in the making (approximately) and not the Johnson and Johnson one which is based on more “traditional” mechanism(s) was the last. I find this concerning. These passports are tyranny and an attempt to back door a national ID along with re-structuring how our society and government works. It’s beginning of 1984! It’s interesting that the first two vaccines available were the first of their kind and 40 years in the making (approximately) and not the Johnson and Johnson one which is based on more “traditional” mechanism(s) was the last. I find this concerning. These passports are tyranny and an attempt to back door a national ID along with re-structuring how our society and government works. This is how dystopian societies like 1984 start.

  7. That doctor is violating his oath to coerce people to take unapproved vaccine! Patient autonomy! So now private businesses are allowed to discriminate based on anything because it’s a private business???? Some people are allergic to vaccine ingredients. This could be extended to discriminate against people for a lot of different things. Bad precedent and allows for mass government tracking.

  8. 2020: Anyone claiming there will be a vaccination passport is a conspiracy theorist and their dangerous misinformation must be stopped. 2021:Anyone opposed to a vaccination passport is a conspiracy theorist and their dangerous misinformation must be stopped.

  9. I have a better idea. Why don't we require all biological laboratories to post Merkle roots of everything that happens in those labs every 2 minutes on proof-of-work blockchains such as the Circcash blockchain. This will be a decentralized cryptographic timestamp that can be used to prove that those laboratories did not tamper with any of the information after the Merkle roots have been posted. The US military can force all biological laboratories to follow this precaution.

  10. It should alarm you that we are headed toward a society where you will need to offer up unlimited access to your veins in exchange for permission to live a normal life.

  11. Y’all agenda y’all been planning this whole time is going to fail!!!!!

  12. Lets ad the voice of the people to this debate.
    Does anybody know someone who is in favor of Covid-passports ?….. I don't.

  13. 1:22 If private organizations should be allowed to require Vaccine Passports … Then people should be allowed to Boycott those private organizations…. rather they are vaccinated or not because Vaccine Passports is taking it 51 steps to far…… The vaccines are 95% effective are they not…. So, Why try to scare vaccinated people into believing they can still get sick after taking one those 95% effectiveness Experimental Vaccine

  14. not right, left, up nor down wing because I don't believe in all this political ping pong and the all the shamimg tactics involved used to steer people … And I STILL say, Boycott any and all business that require a "Vaccine Passport" even if you do get vaccinated .. Useless you wanna help split society even more…. Airlines can easily have vaccinated and non- vaccinated flights they just don't want to … And they shouldn't be getting anymore ( payoffs ) I mean bailouts for running of their own customers ….either

  15. propaganda. its all been propaganda from the beginning. this VP has been on the table and in development for years.
    Have you been hearing about new investment opportunities bigger than the internet or google? this is it and all the surveillance tech to make it work. it will only cost us our posterity , future and freedom. its never been about a virus . plz take the dam mask off and be counted amongst humanity with a smile on your face..

  16. I’m down for that. If you don’t want to get the vaccine and/or are a Radical Anti-Masker that’s fine but stay your ass home then.

  17. Remember this: Whether anybody likes it or not, other countries can and may soon demand a vaccine passport in order to allow you to enter that country. You can whine and bitch all you want, but once you step off that plane, ship, or whatever, you are no longer protected by American laws and regulations.

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