American woman, Australian boyfriend killed during road trip in Canada

American woman, Australian boyfriend killed during road trip in Canada

Chynna Deese and Lucas Fowler were found dead on a road in Canada, and authorities are investigating whether they were shot.


37 thoughts on “American woman, Australian boyfriend killed during road trip in Canada

  1. how do we as a society, learn to trust humans they have gone astray. We work hard, we try to save money so we can travel overseas. once in a lifetime and then tragedy happens. Truly breaks my heart the world is becoming a violent playground, for sick people to fulfill their killing spree. media is also should be under scrutiny, constant programs of violence,killing,serial killers,murder mysteries, how to get away with murder. cmon what is the agenda here, media and the world is making more violent seem the norm. games are more graphic more sexual content it become top best sellers. As a parent the more we try to control what your kid watches and play the more they want to rebel. I am extremely upset that lives are lost because as a whole we are not doing enough to shelter our kids from today’s games and movies. Rip Lucas Fowler, Chynna reese and Leonard dyck have a safe passage god bless you

  2. Rest in peace 🙏

  3. Why don’t people know to there going to live again and death is good come on but people should not advent guns so u can live ur hole life in this life

  4. Sad brokenhearted a lovely sweet couple so sorry for your loss RIP 😢😢

  5. The RCMPigs don’t tell Canadian tax payers anything ! They tell the queen I guess and leave this nation on the dark paying for them to beat and mistreat our society and their wives and children !
    90% of rcmp are insecure ,chauvinist ,wife and child beaters and that’s just the warm up for the abuse they parade onto society !
    Boooooo to the liars in the government nest of evil !

  6. I keep hearing the phrase "an American woman and her boyfriend" by American TV show hosts. Is there some reason you don't want to say "her Australian boyfriend"? Here in Australia we don't seem to have and issue with saying "an Australian man and his American girlfriend", so why do you have a problem?

  7. I watched .59 seconds…but got the jist…21st century liberal hippies murdered on road trip…they believed it could never happen to them, and were against the right to bear arms and to be able to defend yourself. Evil exists. So, what can you do to protect yourself??? Don't listen to the leftest media…they are lying to you. You can protect yourself…take the bad guy out of the fight if necessary. If you punch a few holes in him, he will back off…

  8. Someone didn’t like hippies

  9. These killers need the death penalty seriously your going to shoot someone with a gun in cold blooded murder and is not an accident America needs to grow some fucking balls and actually give them death not on death row there whole life use all talk about how it's your right to have guns it's everyone's right to have justice u have the death penalty use it pussys! We don't need these sik cunts walking around with the rest of us. Wtf is wrong with yall.

  10. There has been a dramatic new twist in a pair of related cases of serious crime in northern B.C.

    Two Port Alberni teens who police had initially believed were missing from Highway 37, are now considered suspects in the murders of Chynna Deese and Lucas Fowler, who were found shot dead on Highway 97 on June 15.

  11. Catch the creep! RIP to the young couple. ☹️

  12. I’m so glad someone had the guts to tell Mr. Snufflelupogus (sp?) to just STOPIT!! Seriously, man we get it already!!

  13. There are monsters living among us , and some of you stupid fucks still seek to disarm us leaving the good with no means of self defence . If you believe that law abiding people should suffer from your stupid fear of guns then you are as much of a monster as the person that killed that couple .

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