Disgraced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes in court – Car Mod Pros Portal

Former CEO and billionaire Elizabeth Holmes appeared in court on fraud and conspiracy charges. She’s accused of misleading her blood-testing startup investors and faces up to 20 years in prison.

#ABCNews #ElizabethHolmes #Theranos


By carmodpros


28 thoughts on “Disgraced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes in court”
  1. it's so sad to see, so many ignorant people in the comments, the real reason why big blood banks want to put her away, is because they make less money with less blood, as a doctor, i know only 1 drop is used to see desseases and more, but unfortunatly, the powerful won't let the public know

  2. So let this be a lesson to anyone thinking of investing in start up companies or companies headed by people that simply do not have the background in technology, administration & the financial expertise to engage in these sophisticated technologies such as exist in the medical field & I’m reminded of advice that was freely given out & I’m not sure who should get credit, but I always remember this line of advice & it is, “if it sounds too good to be true it probably is” & “if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it’s a duck!” Walk away from these companies because failure is right around the corner it’s just a matter of time before the house of cards come collapsing down upon itself! So we’ve seen this story play out over and over and over again that would investors don’t do their homework this is what is likely to happen!

  3. She really believes that she can beat the case, she’s too prideful to admit guilt and failure, narcissistic sociopath to the core. She should be in a super max cell 23 hours a day with the lives she destroyed with the phony testing she pulled.

  4. I don't think she should spend a day in prison. The investors who bought into a "less painful" blood test are idiots. That's not a technology. Getting blood drawn is not painful and if you have insurance, it's FREE!!! How dumb are these people, they deserve to be swindled out of millions.

  5. 1:33 Her eyes are showing a lot of highness. LOL. Literally. One thing that is common with all these high crime committers is that they know very well how to convince themselves they didn't do anything wrong. Self-justification when used the wrong way is lethal.

  6. This is my question!
    1.) Are you living in a crazy world?. Why is it using different voices in 1 person is biggest issues for you? How about she's very talented woman and she can talk in different voices as she want !
    2.) Are you people living with a fake Diploma? With studying different languages to talk to become only interpretator? We have Law to follow, fingerprints, documentations, that may serve as evidence that she's a real Elizabeth Holmes. Your investigating about the different voices shes using, you are accusing her. Or maybe just your playing games and bring it to the court, and pay money to her for putting her in shame and being accused !.
    3.) She's very smart , she's very beautiful, she's very talented. Billionaires must go to her to know the real situation of discovering the real viruses, discovering the real disease found inside their body in just a drop of blood to know the real result. If ever Elizabeth Holmes is a scholar from richest Billionaires to study very hard and become specialist in knowing the real best results for different diseases, for sure Richest Billionaires offered her lots of money to have exclusive laboratory for richest businessmen only so that they will live long.
    Mechura Tejano
    writer of this letter

  7. This is my question!
    1.) Are you living in a crazy world?. Why is it using different voices in 1 person is biggest issues for you? How about she's very talented woman and she can talk in different voices as she want !
    2.) Are you people living with a fake Diploma? With studying different languages to talk to become only interpretator? We have Law to follow, fingerprints, documentations, that may serve as evidence that she's a real Elizabeth Holmes. Your investigating about the different voices shes using, you are accusing her. Or maybe just your playing games and bring it to the court, and pay money to her for putting her in shame and being accused !.
    3.) She's very smart , she's very beautiful, she's very talented. Billionaires must go to her to know the real situation of discovering the real viruses, discovering the real disease found inside their body in just a drop of blood to know the real result. If ever Elizabeth Holmes is a scholar from richest Billionaires to study very hard and become specialist in knowing the real best results for different diseases, for sure Richest Billionaires offered her lots of money to have exclusive laboratory for richest businessmen only so that they will live long.
    Mechura Tejano
    writer of this letter

  8. This is my question!
    1.) Are you living in a crazy world?. Why is it using different voices in 1 person is biggest issues for you? How about she's very talented woman and she can talk in different voices as she want !
    2.) Are you people living with a fake Diploma? With studying different languages to talk to become only interpretator? We have Law to follow, fingerprints, documentations, that may serve as evidence that she's a real Elizabeth Holmes. Your investigating about the different voices shes using, you are accusing her. Or maybe just your playing games and bring it to the court, and pay money to her for putting her in shame and being accused !.
    3.) She's very smart , she's very beautiful, she's very talented. Billionaires must go to her to know the real situation of discovering the real viruses, discovering the real disease found inside their body in just a drop of blood to know the real result. If ever Elizabeth Holmes is a scholar from richest Billionaires to study very hard and become specialist in knowing the real best results for different diseases, for sure Richest Billionaires offered her lots of money to have exclusive laboratory for richest businessmen only so that they will live long.
    Mechura Tejano
    writer of this letter

  9. They knew from the beginning it wasn’t going to work. They duped everybody including the pompous ABC NEWS.

  10. Clever, very smart, not that I approve what she did she's a narcissist as well as a crook, but she's no different than countless politicians, celebrities and business men out there.

  11. Celebrated as a superwoman by hairy arm-pitted feminists everywhere….turns out to be just another deceitful money-grabber. That's not how she really talks by the way, she fakes a deep voice.

    She'll get off scott-free.

  12. Doesn’t matter what they are charged with- they have so much money they will go home free and without losing anything but the reputation.

  13. If Elizabeth ends up in a bare walls institutional prison and for years there wearing a prison suit, it will have been quite a wild ride this young woman has had and has been on. If she writes a book during her stretch in incarceration it will be some book.

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