Chicago Sees Covid Testing Rush Ahead Of Holidays | NBC News NOW

Chicago Sees Covid Testing Rush Ahead Of Holidays | NBC News NOW

The state of Illinois has reported more than 6,700 new cases in the last 24 hours and people in Chicago are rushing to get tested ahead of the holiday. NBC Newss Shaquille Brewster reports on the testing surge.
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#Chicago #Covid #NBCNews

Chicago Sees Covid Testing Rush Ahead Of Holidays | NBC News NOW


29 thoughts on “Chicago Sees Covid Testing Rush Ahead Of Holidays | NBC News NOW

  1. God bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. Ever thought air pollution is an issue in the city of Chicago? That dust on your face and the body and the lungs that sits on you. How many people are suffering from Asthma these days? We couldn't afford better cars?

  3. 01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110100 01110101 00101110 01100010 01100101 00101111 01100100 01010001 01110111 00110100 01110111 00111001 01010111 01100111 01011000 01100011 01010001

  4. x … .End  COVID-19 … Now.  Directory of  Doctors curing   thousands  of  outpatients … fast.

  5. We may have more freedom's in this country than in many other places, but, I feel that RESPONSIBILITY comes with that!, Please, mask up, maybe even wear a face shield, gloves( if you can take a little sweat build-up). I live in Long Beach CA, part of LA county, there were almost 150 just yesterday, and twice the number of cases that Illinois had for the entire state, please, take care of yourselves, if you have to travel, stay really close to HOME!, if this pace of death & infections keep up we may need a strong lockdown, no one wants that, Anyway, MERRY XMAS! Everyone, stay safe

  6. … End  COVID-19 … Now.  Directory of  Doctors curing   thousands  of  outpatients … fast.

  7. 25. 2020 мои поздравления.

  8. Lindsay Czarniak
    Melisaa Theuriau
    Mckenzie mitchell  Zain
    Michelle konsinski laterman robot
    Gillian anderson



  10. this life is temporary and the very good news is that we have salvation believing in Jesuchrist
    read Romans 10: 9 and 10 believe by faith in your heart and call on his name only he saves
    read st John 14 : 6 and st Jhon 3 : 16 🌺🌷🍂🙏

  11. "Mutant strain of the coronavirus." Oh, great! Now we're fighting against mutants! 😫

  12. ..Estou aqui para testemunhar o excelente trabalho que o Dr. Lawson fez por mim, você pode confiar nele para resolver o problema da família e dos amigos. Dr. Lawson mudou minha história de vida para a glória. ele é o maior homem que eu
    já vi. Você pode confiar nele com problemas de família e amigos. Contate-o neste número (+2347026543956) ou no WhatsApp. Ele resolve
    problemas físicos e espirituais, como :.
    (1) meu ex-feitiço de volta
    (2) trabalho de liderança
    (3) feitiço de boa sorte
    (4) negócios para avançar
    (5) faça o que eu digo
    (6) problemas de casamento
    (7) promoção no local de trabalho
    (8) falta de boas oportunidades de trabalho
    (9) problemas de AVC
    (10) cura do câncer
    (11) ganhar processo judicial
    (12) viajar para o exterior
    (13) Caso policial
    (14) Problemas de namorada / namorado
    (15) cura renal
    (16) Problemas de mulheres estéreis e homens impotentes
    (17) problemas familiares
    Ligue ou o que é app dele agora ((+2347026543956))
    Ou em ( e todos os seus problemas serão resolvidos..

  13. The Santa that visited the hospital was one of Santa's helpers, not the real Santa Claus. The real Santa Claus does not need to wear a mask because he has innate immunity to various viruses. Information about Mrs Claus is unknown.

    Cases and deaths of the corona virus are very low at the North Pole – almost zero.

    Santa's elves can get the virus and also can get sick. Raindeer can also get sick, whether from the virus or other ways. Raindeer cannot fly, except they are given magic dust to allow them to fly.

  14. Very nice 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

  15. #OpenYourBusiness The MSM is using COVID to frighten Americans into compliance…this is pure BS and we all need to fight back!!! Small business is the backbone of America and it is their aim to destroy our country. The MSM platforms have all been bought and paid for. Mayors and governors who defund police, let criminals out of jail, lock down businesses…These are all Democrats and they are in bed with the Deep State who in turn is quite coordinated with the China Communist Party. The reason they are acting out of character and imposing such illogical measures is in a coordinated effort to destroy small businesses. They are trying to get people to a point where they feel like they have no choice but to surrender and let the government take over. DONT LET THEM!!! All business owners need to coordinate and open their businesses. We are at war and YES there will be casualties…Everyone needs to STAND UP and SAVE our nation! RESIST at all cost! FIGHT!!!

  16. The tests aren't completely accurate, especially when it comes to the timing of when you got your test vs. when you plan to travel for the holidays. For that reason, you could make the argument that testing is bad because it leads people into having a false sense of security which causes them to take risks that they wouldn't have taken otherwise.

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