Dozens of police officers faced off against a gunman barricaded inside a home on a residential Philadelphia street, with at least five sustaining non-life-threatening wounds.
Seriously how ridiculous is this that they needed all that manpower for 1 guy. It's honestly pathetic.
1:42 The woman was like I'm going back to Syria lol
Philly PD racist AF!!!!
Prob a warrant for weed
I wouldn’t download your app do you guys don’t tell the truth you lie and hide evidence I would never download your app I don’t even know why I clicked on this one
Way to many cop ers
Blue lives murder
Me: lemme be a fbi dad: why me: i want to say FBI OPEN UP
Legalize the drugs tax and control like alcohol.
XXYABA LT RT UP DN UP DN (5 stars to 0) cheat code ur welcome
Don't serve warrants that support the Drug War. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!
Fake ass mayor
1:48 looks like he's helping him put blood on. Just saying
Fuk the police he should’ve shoot more of them pigs ðŸÂ– look how scary they are when you fight back bitch ass cops fuk 12
pathetic he only got to 4 stars
how to get 6 stars
1 guy against 50 cops. Use a fucking frag grenade
2019 is just shootouts and 2020 is just horrible
yes ABC please go ahead and press your agenda for legalizing drugs in US so that more good cops can die.
Worried about the officers but not the public. Terrible
BLM shows this video to their members to empower them, and remind them how important it is to hate cops, and kill them at every opportunity.
Man Finally Broke The Game 6 Stars Nice My G salute
bruh just get thatcher thermite finka ying fuze like bruhhhh
Hope they all die pussies lmao
I was starting up my GTA 5 and in the intro there are machine guns and I thought that that was the actual audio XD
This is what happend the ppl are tired
So many people killed, because of "safety", because of "law and order". They are individuals like everyone else. But unfortunately the law has become corrupt, serving only the interests of the Elites.
2:03 I HATE when people say that cringe line 'God save them'
ITS NOT GOD WHO WILL SAVE THEM BUT DOCTORS . Stop with that ridiculous pity lines. JUST SAY we believe in our doctors saving their lives and i hope thy have a strong will .
D like to see feminism and empowered women fighting rascals, lets see if they keep complaining
Dang I actually remember seeing the news about this
I wonder if anyone has ever won a shootout against the police.
"60 officers At the scene"
"Send more cars we need backup"
So, one man hostage situation.
Better call NAVY SEALS
In Russia they'd just blow up the damn house lol
Well I am laugh at cops they deserve what they are getting .
cops are nothing but criminal
Well you know what how many times do the skate harassed by cops how many times how many times have these caps run this guy's life are tried to f*** them all over obviously he's fed up enough to take up arms against the tops today act like they're f**** colestipol you don't trust them you don't like and want to even know them they're all a bunch of assholes end of story they're being trained to kill citizens they have no brains they're f**** walking tool and if you want to know what I mean just compare a cop today to a cop 40 years ago they had respect and everything now they have nothing the way they treat people f*** them
People still blame the police for this..
My man got a 5 star
Def of warrant……
A peice of paper that says you did a bad thing and we want your money.
When you will enter in someone house what more you expect. Cops should be thrown in jail for life.😑
How much can u buy a house for in the suburbs outside city
The fucking media is not helping and should be held responsible.
How in the world did that many officers get shot? They need to rethink tactics
Well he definitely had a 5 star
Why don't they yust throw 50 flashbang granade and give a shooter epilepsy??!!
Mormons again, i'm assuming?