How Are Ranked-Choice Ballots Counted In NYC’s Democratic Mayoral Primary?

NBC’s Jane Timm breaks down how ranked-choice ballots are being counted in the first round of New York City’s Democratic mayoral primary and how the process could impact the current frontrunner, Eric Adams. » Subscribe to NBC News: »…
Pfizer starts trials for omicron-specific booster l GMA

The pharmaceutical company announced the beginning of its trials, with more than 1,400 patients set to receive one or more doses of the variant-based vaccine. Read more: #ABCNews #Pfizer #Booster #Omicron source
Drone captures flood damage in Madagascar’s capital

Tropical storm Ana caused widespread flooding in Madagascar, including in the capital city, raising the death toll from recent rains to 34 people and displacing tens of thousands, officials said. #Flooding #Weather #Madagascar source
A Win For Facebook: FTC Complaint Struck Down In Court

The Federal Trade Commission complaint against Facebook was dismissed by The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The complaint was shut down due to a failure to prove Facebooks monopoly in the market for Personal Social Networking Services.…