Sen. Mitch McConnell was asked which former president he’d rather be stuck with on a deserted island: Carter, Clinton, Obama or Biden? He said President Biden would be his choice, calling him “a first-rate person” and mentioning bipartisan deals they…
Police are still searching for the gunman who was captured on security camera footage at the scene of the shooting. source
A $60,000 reward is being offered in the search for the suspect identified in the fatal ambush shooting of a Texas constable deputy during a traffic stop on Sunday. source
Detectives Bob Ford and Tom Armelli must talk to a witness to help determine who was in possession of the murder weapon at the time of the murder. Subscribe for more The First 48: Love The First 48? Find…
The president warned of “enormous consequences” if Russia invades Ukraine. source
A look at the top photos from around the globe. source
President Joe Biden discusses Russian President Vladmir Putin a day after 8,500 American forces in Eastern Europe were put on “heightened alert.” source
As the country heads into Fourth of July festivities and as the delta variant quickly spreads, the WHO and some local U.S. health officials are calling for everyone to wear a mask inside public settings despite vaccination status. Miguel Almaguer…
The Supreme Court is taking on two cases questioning the legality of affirmative action and the effect of race on college admissions. source
The Violent Offenders Warrant Squad formulate their game plan to take a suspected killer. Subscribe for more The First 48: Love The First 48? Find more of what you love on our site: Watch full episodes here:…
A California doctor talks nationwide mask mandates, the Food and Drug Administration pulling use of COVID-19 antibody treatments by Regeneron and Eli Lilly and more. source
An infant boy was fatally shot while riding in a car in Atlanta. source