Vaccine Demand Overwhelms U.S. Health Clinics | NBC Nightly News

In states like Florida and Texas, senior citizens waited in car lines for hours in hopes of receiving their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Fewer than 3 million doses have been administered across the U.S.» Subscribe to NBC News:…
Pres. Trump New Hampshire Rally in Manchester | ABC News Live Coverage

#trump #trumpcampaign #vote2020 SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: Watch More on LIKE ABC News on FACEBOOK FOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER: Tweets by ABC GOOD MORNING AMERICA’S HOMEPAGE: MORE: source
GOP Senators To Challenge Presidential Election Results | NBC Nightly News

Eleven Republican senators and senators-elect announced that they will object to certifying Joe Bidens Electoral College victory when Congress meets on Wednesday, citing unfounded claims of voter fraud.» Subscribe to NBC News: » Watch more NBC video: NBC…