Which states vote on mini Super Tuesday l ABC News

Voters in Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, Idaho, North Dakota and Washington will have their say on the presidential race on Tuesday, with 352 delegates up for grabs across the six states. READ MORE: https://53eig.ht/335RBkE SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://bit.ly/2vZb6yP Watch More…
Biden is projected to win Mississippi primary

Former Vice President Joe Biden is projected to win the Mississippi primary based on an analysis of polling data by ABC News. FULL SUPER TUESDAY RESULTS COVERAGE HERE: https://abcnews.go.com/Elections #JoeBiden #Mississippi #DemocraticPrimary #ABCNews #Polls #Voting #DemocraticNomination #VotingData #Democrats #FormerVicePresident #MississippiPrimary…
Country music stars hold concert for tornado victims

Singers including Sheryl Crow and Brandi Carlile took to the stage to raise $500,000 for survivors of the Tennessee twisters. WATCH THE FULL EPISODE OF ‘WORLD NEWS TONIGHT’: https://bit.ly/2IymUvc WATCH OTHER FULL EPISODES OF WORLD NEWS TONIGHT: http://abc.go.com/shows/world-news-to… WATCH WORLD…
Super Bowl Gatherings Cause Fears Amid New Variants | NBC Nightly News

The presence of new Covid-19 variants in the U.S. on top of people gathering for the Super Bowl is concerning, according to one doctor. The Kansas City mayor says hes really worried about people partying in bars. .» Subscribe to…
How will coronavirus impact Democratic primaries?

The epidemic spreading across the world is also impacting the Democratic primary elections. ABC News Terry Moran reports from Michigan on how the coronavirus is impacting voters. #coronavirus #DemocraticPrimaries #Elections #2020Elections #TerryMoran #ABCNews #epidemic #Michigan #Voting source
Biden is projected to win Missouri primary

Vice President Joe Biden is projected to win the Missouri primary based on an analysis of polling data by ABC News. FULL SUPER TUESDAY RESULTS COVERAGE HERE: https://abcnews.go.com/Elections #JoeBiden #Missouri #DemocraticPrimary #Voting #ABCNews #ABCNewsLive #Polls #2020Elections #ProjectedWinner #Elections #FormerVicePresident #2020…